
What Does The Phrase "Customer Service" Mean To You? . Required

I wish I could tell you lot, 'Here are 10 customer service phrases to guarantee success.' The truth is I tin't.

Client service is about people. And—with people—magic formulas don't be. It'd be wonderful if all we needed was a cheatsheet of sayanddon't say phrases. Unfortunately, things aren't that unproblematic.

(And y'all shouldn't believe anyone who tells you they are.)

At the same fourth dimension, however, there are universal truths about the way we process linguistic communication.

Those truths are what this article is about.

The following one-liners have been crafted by thousands of real customer interactions here at Groove.

They're non meant to be treated as holy incantations. But instead, best-do dos and don'ts to quickly improve your customer service skills and—in turn—your customers' overall experiences. The best part—they won't make you sound similar a robot. With those caveats out of the mode…

Here are 10 customer service phrases to apply and non use in your support conversations.

"I don't know. Just, I'll observe out for you lot."

A recent survey asked respondents which common customer service phrases annoyed them most.

The winner?

Most annoying customer service phrase
Data from American Express

Handing them off like hot potatoes is a peachy mode to drive them away from you due to the sheer amount of (pointless and annoying) effort they accept to put into trying to get help or information.

That'due south especially truthful if y'all're in a saturated market where customers accept enough of choices for who to do business with.

Good customer service isn't always about knowing the right answer. Ofttimes, it's about finding the correct answer so that your customer doesn't have to.

At Groove, we've taken these phrases and added them to a number of our canned replies. That ways, they're a standardized and automatic role of how we communicate with customers.

Note: If yous'd like to encounter for yourself how Groove can help you simplify back up and put customers showtime, sign up for a free trial here.

"I'd exist frustrated also."

There'south enough of inquiry on the importance of empathy in customer service. The topic is best summed up past Seth Godin in a 1-line blog post:

The simplest customer service frustration question of all: "Why isn't this equally of import to you as it is to me?"

Nosotros've all been there, whether information technology's in a customer back up setting or an argument with a friend or family fellow member: it doesn't experience skilful to talk to someone when you don't retrieve the person "gets" why you're mad, upset or disappointed.

That's why it's critical to not just have and develop empathy only to convey it to your customer.

While mastering empathy might feel overwhelming at first, it becomes easier and easier every bit you piece of work on it. (Just like any skill.)

When a customer is upset or angry—even if you lot didn't do annihilation incorrect—you can still be genuinely sorry well-nigh the way the customer feels. Let them know that.

"I'd be happy to help."

Researchers Andrew Newberg and Marking Robert Waldman—in their book, Words Can Modify Your Brain—found that using and hearing positive words physiologically alter how we see reality.

In a globe where 95% of customers take taken action (e.g. abased a business or complained most it to others) because of a negative client experience, a elementary tactic similar adding more than positive power words to your support interactions can make a big difference.

When a customer emails you almost an issue that they're having…

Instead of responding with a banal "I'll look into this for you," tell them you'd "happily" help them find a solution.

The power of positive words is a psychological tip that'southward piece of cake to implement—both in the moment and over the long-term grade of your human relationship with them.

"I'll ship you an update past [specific day or time]."

If a customer sends Groove an email "checking in" on the status of their support asking, we consider that a failure on our function.

In testing, nosotros've found that customers who proactively reach out to us report satisfaction scores virtually 10% lower than customers who don't inquire.

To prevent that, we practise two things. First, we make sure that we keep the customer posted equally often as possible (at to the lowest degree in one case per day). Second, we let the customer know exactly when they should look to hear from u.s..

You can't ever promise a solution past a given fourth dimension. What you can do is always promise an update.

Delivering on that promise doesn't but keep the customer informed about the status of their request, but it's some other opportunity to build trust and permit them know that you lot truly understand and care nigh the inconvenience they're experiencing.

"I capeesh you letting us know. Thanks."

According to a survey by Lee Resources International, for every angry customer who complains, at that place are 26 customers who don't.

Each customer complaint could mean that dozens of other customers are having the aforementioned problem and not letting you lot know.

That means that resolving the trouble for a unmarried customer could make dozens of other customers happier at the same fourth dimension.

That'southward a huge opportunity.

In How to Win Friends & Influence People, one of Dale Carnegie'southward cardinal techniques is being generous with appreciation: "In our interpersonal relations, we should never forget that all our associates are human beings and hunger for appreciation. It is the legal tender that all souls relish."

Receiving gratitude doesn't just change the style we think and feel; it changes the way we comport for the ameliorate.

Did they give you feedback? Say "thank y'all." Did they report a issues? Say "cheers." Did they mutter virtually something? Say… well, yous become the idea.

Brand sure your customer knows how much you appreciate their e-mail, no matter what the tone or contents of it are.

"Is there anything else I can help y'all with?"

Despite our best efforts and intentions, we don't e'er go it right.

In fact, one survey suggests that although 94% of online retailers provide email customer service, 27% of e-mail inquiries are answered incorrectly.

The fact is that there are times that our answers don't cease upward existence helpful. The problem is that research shows u.s.a. that most people won't speak upwards about bug.

So, if your reply isn't helpful, some customers won't proactively ask you to clarify or assistance any farther.

That'southward what makes this ane of the most helpful client service phrases yous can utilize. By leaving the door open and inviting the client to respond, y'all'll give them a chance to let you know if anything remains unresolved.

What about the phrases you should never use?

Here's our list of banned customer service phrases and alternatives for the next time you lot find them on the tip of your tongue:


We all hate it when people are rude to us, but what we rarely think about is that sometimes, the manner that nosotros say things might come off as rude, even if we don't mean it that way.

That'due south why using the right tone in customer service is so, so important.

For example, a Software Communication survey tested various customer service scenarios on respondents, comparison a formal tone to a casual one.

While 65% of online customers — beyond all ages and genders — prefer a coincidental tone in customer service over a formal one, the numbers change significantly when the customer is existence denied a request.

78% of respondents said that an overly casual tone (like using slang or emoticons) has a negative impact on their experience when the agent is denying a request.

Past being too casual when you accept to say no to a client, you imply that y'all're not taking their request seriously.

And that's merely rude.

What to say instead: "I'm sad, that's non something that nosotros can do. However, what we tin do is…" (Check out this postal service for more tips on saying "no" to your customers)

"Delight calm downwards."

Going back to the topic of empathy and why it matters in customer service, information technology's good to remember that there's hardly anything that feels more abrasive than talking to someone who doesn't sympathise that (or why) you're annoyed.

Don't be that person, especially in situations where you lot're helping a customer.

Whether y'all're arguing with a spouse or a friend, or trying to handle an upset customer, it's never a proficient idea to tell them to calm down, because all it signals is that the trouble isn't as important to you every bit it is to them.

What to say instead: "I'm really sorry nearly that. It's annoying to [accept to deal with whatsoever they're dealing with], and I'd be frustrated also."

Caveat: this applies when the client is not actually being abusive or mean. In those cases, all bets are off.

"It'due south not our fault"

If your customer is upset, and y'all want to keep them a happy customer, so think this: it doesn't matter whose fault it was. It's tempting to pass the cadet, I know, but it truly. does. not. matter.

They're your customer. They're under your protection. And regardless of who is responsible for how they're feeling, at present your task is to make things correct.

In this case, the first order of business is to apologize.

Even if y'all didn't do any made them upset, y'all can notwithstanding genuinely be apologetic for the manner your customer feels (eastward.yard., I'm e'er sorry that a customer feels upset).

One time you repent, piece of work on making things right.

What to say instead: "I'g actually sorry for how frustrating this state of affairs is, but I'm going to do everything I can to make things right."

"Sorry, but it's policy."

Policies tin be helpful. The correct policies can empower your support squad to build amend relationships with your customers, and ultimately grow your concern.

But policies are not excuses.

They are not walls to hide backside when y'all won't give your customers what they desire.

Of course, there are times when y'all can't grant your customer's wishes. But "it's policy" is not an excuse.

Instead, take enough respect for your customer's intelligence to explain why a policy is as information technology is.

Take a look at this brilliant case, Tweeted by Wistia's Brendan Schwartz, of how a motel explains its policies to its customers:

A great example of how you tin utilise policies for the benefit of your business, without hiding backside them and confusing and upsetting your customers.

What to say instead: "Sorry near the frustration, simply here'due south why this policy exists."

The all-time customer service phrases: A final word of circumspection

In the same mode that magical spells don't exist, neither do you have to watch every word you say.

Customers capeesh the fact that you're human, as long as you treat them with empathy and kindness.

In truth, how we say what nosotros say matters far more what nosotros say.

Still, incorporating the positive and eliminating the negative can pb to easy wins. Who knows, it may only transform the way you talk, write, and even call back most back up.


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